This error message indicates that you have an unpaid student services and amenities fee amount. Select 'View/Pay Non-course Fees' from the 'My Finance...
Receipts can be downloaded from the 'My Documents' tab of the Student System, which can be accessed under the 'My systems' section of Compass.
Please check the Refunds web page for the circumstances in which a refund may be applicable If you have any queries regarding refunds you can ei...
Information about applying for payment by instalment or payment extension can be found on the Payment extensions and instalments page.Make sure that y...
The student services and amenities fee (SSAF) is a compulsory charge which supports services of a non-academic nature at Flinders University. Student...
Please visit the Payment Methods page for a list of all the payment options available to pay your fees.
If you don't pay your student contribution amount or tuition fees by the payment due date, you will incur an outstanding debt. Note: International st...
Commonwealth supported students who are Australian citizens or Permanent Humanitarian visa holders are eligible to apply for HECS-HELP. A HECS-HELP ...
As a Flinders University student there are a wide range of scholarships you can apply for. There are scholarships available for those studying in spec...
The following groups of students must fill in a Request for Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF):All commencing Commonwealth supported students must fil...
You may be eligible for a refund for the cost of your student contribution amounts or tuition fees if you withdraw from your topics by the census dat...
The request for HECS-HELP form that you may have previously submitted will defer student contribution amounts only: not your student services and ame...
You may have only paid for part of your fees or for some of your topics, particularly if you have enrolled in further topics since making payment of y...
Aside from government loans and payments, you may be eligible for financial assistance through scholarships—visit our scholarships website for more in...
FEE-HELP is a government loan scheme that assists eligible students to pay their tuition fees. You do not start repaying your FEE-HELP debt until your...
A range of scholarships and bursaries are available to assist international students with the cost of studying at Flinders University—refer to our web...
Tax invoices are available to be downloaded from the 'My Documents' tab of the Student System, which can be accessed under the My systems section of&...
When viewing the information in 'My Finances' in the Student System, it may appear that your fees are overdue even when a valid HECS-HELP form has bee...
Sanctions for outstanding debts will prevent you from: enrolling; borrowing from the Library; receiving results via the Student System; receivin...
If you are a Commonwealth supported student and you will be obtaining a HECS-HELP loan for all or part of your student contributions, then you must i...
Payment due date The due date to pay upfront student contribution amounts, tuition fees and student services and amenities fees is the Friday of teach...
Domestic studentsThe costs of studying at university vary depending on whether you are a domestic or international student. Domestic students fall int...
Fee Accounts are available online and are not mailed to students. To view details of the fees you owe, use the 'My Finances' tab in the Student...
A number of scholarships require evidence of financial need. Students usually supply a recent Centrelink statement to prove ongoing financial n...
The CHESSN is your Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number.  All Commonwealth supported or assisted students are assigned a CHESSN.&...
If you have already completed a Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF) without a tax file number (TFN), once;your;is received, and provided...
To obtain your Fee Account, log in to the Student System and select the 'My Finances' tab. Scroll down the page and click on the...
Some postgraduate coursework degrees are Commonwealth supported, while others are fee-paying. Download the Postgraduate EzyGuide for a list of all pr...
Please note that the census date for a topic is the last day on which a student can withdraw from topics without incurring student contribution amount...
When viewing the information in 'My Finances' in the Student System, it may appear that your fees are overdue even when a valid HECS-HELP form has bee...
You can check your Fee Account to view your outstanding fees as well as amounts to be deferred after the census date. If there is an 'Amount Owin...
While there are no specific loans designated for the cost of textbooks or study equipment, Flinders University students can apply for scholarships an...
Australian citizens and students holding a permanent humanitarian visa are eligible to defer payment of university fees through the Australian Govern...
Once your fees have been deferred to the relevant HELP loan after the census date, you will be notified via your Flinders University email that your C...
If you are permitted to enrol in a topic on a Non-Award basis you will pay a tuition fee that will either be the full student contribution amoun...
Fees stated on your Offer of Admission are estimated tuition and overseas student health cover charges which are subject to change.  Please refe...
If you are enrolling in a combined degrees program, you must normally complete a Request for Commonwealth Assistance form (CAF) for each of your...
You do not have to start repaying your accumulated HELP debt until your income is above the minimum threshold, which is $51,550 in the 2023-2024 tax y...
Student services and amenities fees (SSAF) are payable by all domestic students including research higher degree candidates who may also be employed ...
A Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is a statement of your enrolment and a record of the Commonwealth assistance you have accessed as part of your ...
You will not be issued with an official or unofficial transcript while you have an outstanding debt. Outstanding debts include overdue: studen...
In accordance with Commonwealth legislation, you will be provided with a CAN within 28 days of a topics’ census date for which you have received Co...
For 2023, the HELPlimit is $113,028 for most students. The limit for students studying medicine, dentistry, and veterinary science courses leading to...
Once you receive your CAN you should review it to ensure it is correct. If you believe there is an error, you must submit an online request via Ask Fl...
No, students studying on a cross-institutional basis are ineligible to defer student services and amenities fees. Please visit the Stu...
If you are a Canadian or United States citizen you should consult the Financial Aid web page for full details. Other na...
Your accumulated HELP debt is indexed annually on the 1st of June in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Indexation is applied by the Australia...
The Research Training Program (RTP) is a Commonwealth government scheme that provides domestic students with a RTP tuition fee offset. Student Service...