The Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Published Work (“PPPW") is only available to individuals who have already generated a range, as a general guide, of ...
If you meet the eligibility requirements, review PhD by Prior Published Work Course Information for How to Apply.
For admission to a PhD, you normally need a Bachelor degree with Honours Class 1 or 2A, or approved equivalent. Therefore you will need to have comple...
Review the information sections in Study a Higher Degrees by Research before you begin your application:• Check your eligibility• Find a research supe...
The projects for HDR ‘research only’ study are often flexible in terms of when you can start but your approved supervisor will confirm the start date....
Carefully follow the steps at Find a Research supervisor to give yourself the best chance of finding suitable Flinders academic staff to supervise you...
Tuition fees are listed in the annual Postgraduate Degrees Course Guide. The International Centre’s website has information about fees, living expense...
Coursework Masters with a research component of at least one full semester achieving an average grade of Distinction (75%) or better for the research ...
You will be notified of the outcome of your application by email including information about the next steps. Once you have read the information you wi...
The maximum duration of candidature is one year, and the minimum is six months. Refer to the HDR Policy Section 4.5.
Online Plus candidature (previously ‘external’) means your usual research location is not near a Flinders campus but some of your research needs to be...
To apply for HDR entry you need a university degree including a postgraduate qualification equivalent at least to AQF 8 or 9 with a significant resear...
All applicants must meet the English language proficiency requirements for HDR candidature. Review this page for Higher degrees by research approved t...
Part-time candidature is available to domestic and international offshore students. Part-time students are expected to have 18 - 20 hours per week ava...
The Doctor of Public Health is a Higher Degree by Research that comprises a combination of coursework and research.  The course equips graduate...
Review Check your eligibility for information. When submitting your application, please also include the following information: • Evidence of work com...
The Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) is a four-year research degree consisting of a substantial and original piece of clinical psychology re...
COMS9001 Communicating Research is a semester long topic which assists PhD and Masters by Research students from all disciplines to improve their writ...
If you receive an offer to Flinders but you do not wish to commence studying straight away, you can request to have your offer deferred to a start dat...
Admission to the HDR you applied for is conditional upon your qualifying course results meeting academic entry requirements. Please upload evidence to...
Your supervisor has indicated you are required to sign an agreement assigning your intellectual property rights to the University or a relevant third ...
Admission to the HDR you applied for is conditional upon confirming your residency status. Please upload a copy of your VEVO check document available ...
Yes Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia are eligible to apply.
Admission to the HDR you applied for is conditional upon a statement of withdrawal from your HDR course at your prior university. Please upload eviden...