New studentsOnce you have completed your enrolment, you can organise your Student ID card online by selecting ‘Order My ID Card’ under 'My Systems' on...
You can find out what textbooks you need using the textbook search tool. You can also find out: during sessions held in orientation week (if applicabl...
  If your offer is to your first preference it will be automatically accepted in your SATAC application on your behalf. To accept an offer to ...
Before you can access any online services at Flinders you need to activate your student account (referred to as your Flinders Authentication Name, or ...
All courses at Flinders are listed as 'Internal' in the Student System, regardless of the way they are delivered (in person, online plus placement/ i...
Once you have activated your FAN you can access various University services from the Flinders Dashboard (Okta), including: your Flinders emailthe Stud...
Classes officially start in week 1 of a semester or summer session. For relevant semester/session start dates, visit the Semester dates website.
  Your offer will be automatically accepted in your SATAC application on your behalf. You must formally accept your offer in the Flinders Stude...
The HDR Coordinator in your College can help you to find a supervisor.