The Central, Tonsley, Medical and Sturt library branches (including study spaces and print collections) are open 24/7 to students and staff with a cur...
To find resources at the Library, visit the Information Literacy Gateway, or contact the Library.Ph: 1300 354 633 (Select 3)Email: library@flinders.ed...
A block on your library account prevents you from borrowing or requesting library materials. Existing loans will not auto-renew. A block may be appli...
Bookable study spaces are available to groups and individuals. Refer to the Flinders website booking page for more information and to make a booking.
Current Flinders University staff and students can place a request on items on loan to another person and when there is no other copy of the title ava...
The Library uses automatic renewals to extend your loans. Items are lent for an initial period (7 or 28 days). After the initial borrowing period, ite...
Flinders students and staff can borrow up to 100 items including books, journals, DVDs and more. For more details see our borrowing web pages.
Most subscriptions to online materials like eBooks, articles and databases are only accessible to Flinders University staff and students. Make sure th...
Use the 'My Library Card' tool to keep track of your requests and loans. Log in at the top right-hand corner of any Findit page with your FAN and pa...
Search for an item in Findit@Flinders and look for the "include records not in the library collections" button. You’ll find it above the refining tool...