
Unsatisfactory Progress (see Section 6 of the HDR Progression Procedures) is assessed on a case by case basis by the HDR Coordinator for the College and the HDR Progression Coordinator.

If a student is deemed to have unsatisfactory progress in one of their assessed milestones, the student will either be given a 3 month probationary milestone, will be issued an ‘Ongoing or Escalating Difficulty Progressing’ notification or may be recommended to be downgraded to a Masters (if currently a PhD student).

If placed on probation then during this time work goals will be set between student, supervisor and College HDR coordinator. At the end of the probationary period when the milestone is resubmitted the level of progress will be reassessed. If satisfactory, then the student will be able to continue with the project, if unsatisfactory, the student will be issued an ‘Ongoing or Escalating Difficulty Progressing’ and the processes will be taken as outlined in section 6 of the HDR Progression Procedures.