
Engagement of a paid, professional editor for your HDR thesis is permitted, on the following conditions:

  • the editing is undertaken before the final version of your thesis is submitted to your supervisor for consideration and before the final Turnitin submission
  • editing is limited to formatting, grammar and style; does not alter or improve the substantive content or conceptual organisation of your thesis; and does not alter errors in primary sources, including graphs, tables, direct quotes and translation, though may draw attention to them
  • supervisors oversee the process and monitor professional editing to ensure the consistency of thesis quality, and
  • you should include an acknowledgement of the help given or work carried out by another person or organisation in editing their thesis.

Note: supervisors are not responsible for any changes made by an editor to a thesis, and all professional thesis editing is considered to be a private arrangement between the student and a third party.  The University is not responsible for the payment or working conditions of editors engaged by students.

For further information refer to HDR Thesis Rules and Having your thesis edited.