In order to graduate and obtain your parchment, you must register your intent via the Student System or submit an application online, whether you choose to attend a ceremony or graduate in absentia (not attending).
OPTION 1: Register Your Intent to Graduate via the Student System
If you still have access to the Student System, please log in and then visit the “My Graduation” tab where you will be able to register your interest to graduate either by Attending a ceremony or In Absentia. When you have made your selection, you will be contacted by the Graduation Office via email to provide further details about your conferral including whether you wish to request additional guest tickets.
If you are unable to attend the next round of ceremonies, you may select Postpone under the “My Graduation” tab, in which case the Graduation Office will contact you to confirm when in the future you would like to attend.
OPTION 2: Online Application via the Graduation Webpage
If you can no longer access the Student System, or you believe that you are eligible to graduate but have not been completed by your College and therefore you have no current award showing in your Student System, then you will need to apply online. Online applications are only open for a limited time of approximately six to eight weeks prior to the ceremony. Eligible students will receive graduation information by email once applications are open. Visit our Graduation ceremony information page for further information.
If you do not wish to attend a ceremony you can apply to graduate at any time in Absentia on the Conferral information in absentia page. Absentia conferrals happen each month; once we receive your application we will submit your details for graduation on the next available date.