You can check your Fee Account to view your outstanding fees as well as amounts to be deferred after the census date. If there is an 'Amount Owing' in the last field of the table on your Fee Account, then you are still required to submit the relevant HELP form relating to the fees owing. Once you have completed the relevant HELP forms, you will see the fees listed under 'HELP Assistance' on your Fee Account as they are set to be deferred after the census date.
Once you have successfully submitted a request for HECS-HELP (or FEE-HELP) and SA-HELP, then your fees can be deferred for the duration of your degree: you only need to submit HELP request forms once per course.
If you need further assistance, please contact Flinders Connect.
Please note that only Australian citizens and permanent humanitarian visa holders are eligible to defer fees. Permanent residents and New Zealand citizens are not eligible for HELP loans and must pay their fees upfront.
Keywords: HELP,Account,SA-HELP