
For most combined degrees programs, students should enrol in each program separately.

When you log into the Student System, select the 'My Enrolment' tab, then 'Enrol in Topics' from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. Students enrolled in combined degrees programs will be asked to select a course for enrolment, and should select each course in turn then enrol in topics appropriate to that course. A full-time study load is usually equivalent to studying 18 units (4 topics) per semester. If you are studying a combined degree, you will usually study some topics from both degrees you are enrolled in, in each semester. 

For example, if you are enrolled in the Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice and Bachelor of Arts combined degrees program, you would select the Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice first, and enrol in law topics. Then select the Bachelor of Arts and enrol in topics to count towards this course.


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