
As a university student it is important to that your child can balance study, work, rest, leisure activities and any other commitments they may have, because when people become busy it is usually the commitment they have most recently taken on (in this case, study) that is the first thing to be neglected. 

Your child should start by reading the Statement of Assessment Methods for each of the topics they are enrolled in so they become familiar with study and time expectations.

Support them by introducing tools that facilitate organisation, whether it’s a wall calendar, diary or alarm clock. Whatever they end up using, encourage them to identify a system that works for them.

It can be a useful exercise for your child to map out a timetable that includes not only study, but also how much time they spend on other activities including work, travel, and even everyday things like sleeping, eating, showering and housework/chores. If their timetable is so full that no time remains for leisure, they need to think about what activities to discontinue.

If you can see that your child is struggling to find a balance, try and raise this with them at relevant times and locations, e.g. when driving them to sport or a social function, or when they are talking about university.

Finally, let them know that there are time management and study skills workshops and resources available from our Student Learning Centre.

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